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  • WebhookWatch: No-Code Stripe Webhooks Setup For Notifications

WebhookWatch: No-Code Stripe Webhooks Setup For Notifications

Stay In Control: Webhook Watch for Seamless Stripe Monitoring!

Hey everyone! I just launched WebhookWatch!

You know those moments as a freelancer when you see the same problem come up over and over? That's how WebhookWatch came to be. Clients constantly wanted detailed notifications about their Stripe subscriptions – cancellations, renewals, expiring cards, failed payments.

Thing is, there are plenty of SaaS companies that use Stripe but don't bother giving owners those crucial insights. Even non-technical folks deserve to be in the loop, right?

Stripe's webhooks are the key, but setting everything up can be a pain, you either need someone with programming knowledge to set up something for you or go with a crazy tool like zapier. That's why I decided to build WebhookWatch. It's dead simple to connect your Stripe webhooks, and you'll instantly start getting those must-have email notifications.

So, why'd I build this thing?

  • Experience: I've been in the trenches, and this kind of visibility makes a real difference for any business running on subscriptions.

  • For everyone: Whether you're managing a complex B2B SaaS or just need to track your own payments, WebhookWatch simplifies the whole process.

  • User-first: I believe in tools that make things easier, not harder. WebhookWatch is just that – no-nonsense setup and the insights you need.

If this sounds like the kind of tool that would've made your life easier, give WebhookWatch a try! Head over to webhookwatch.com to get started.

Let me know what you think – always open to feedback!